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It is the beginning of a new school year and we are so excited for things to get started.

The school is buzzing with activity as teachers set up their classrooms, getting ready to open up a new world of information to the busy little minds ready to soak it all in.

There are a few things to put on your calendars so please remember to check the upcoming events on the main page. One of our major events is the orientation on the 12th of September. We will have a meet and greet starting at 6:30 pm. This is your chance to meet your child's teacher and get a chance to see the classroom where your student will spend the majority of their time here at CHS. There will be ice cream for everyone who comes, however, your child must visit their classroom to receive an ice cream ticket before they receive this cold treat.

The next big thing to remember is Picture day. Individual and class pictures will be taken on September 19th.

Each week a memo will be emailed out, please read this memo all the way through to keep up to date on what is happening at the school and different opportunities your child may have to participate in some really fun things.

If you have any questions please contact the office and we will do our best to answer all your questions.

CHS Logo: A red triangle with a blue cross inside it. Inside the triangle is a bible, dove and flame. The words Christian Heritage School are written in the lines of the triangle.

Est. 1975

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Tel: 204-725-3209

Fax: 204-728-9641


2025 26th Street

Brandon, MB R7B 3Y2

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The logo for Christian Schools International. A shield with purple, orange, white, yellow, black and blue triangular sections.

Christian Heritage School 

is a member of

Christian Schools International

© 2021 Christian Heritage School

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